GoodFuels B.V.
GoodFuels B.V.
Organisation Introduction
GoodFuels, a Dutch based company, accelerates the transition towards zero emission by developing and commercializing sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels for the transport sector, specially marine. Since GoodFuels was founded, the company has created a one-stop shop for industry customers by integrating the entire supply chain for sustainable biofuels. From feedstock to tank, GoodFuels proposition covers elements of sourcing feedstock and ensuring its 100% sustainability, the blending of the final product, the global distribution, quality assurance and marketing programs. GoodFuels has supplied the road and shipping sector with sustainable fuels such as Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil and BioFuel Oil, a 100% replacement of the polluting heavy fuel oil. With these products, GoodFuels has triggered and accelerated the transition towards fossil-free transportation. GoodFuels is currently developing new sustainable fuels to scale and diversify its portfolio, focusing on waste streams and renewable energy.
GoodFuels understand the importance of value-chain integration, involving relevant stakeholders and knowledgeable partners to achieve ambitious and truly sustainable objectives. Moreover, energy transition imposes a special challenge over innovation, optimal use of energy and resources. That is to say, cooperative effort to develop technologies, strategies and businesses. E-TANDEM has the necessary ingredients to address such picture. Use of – more than – available CO2, while mitigating the consumption of other resources, e.g., H2 and electricity, at optimal CAPEX design. Innovation integrating relevant and knowledgeable partners along the value-chain for a sustainable solution.
Involvement in E-TANDEM
GoodFuels brings business perspective to technology development, from invention to innovation. Within e-Tandem, the company is responsible for the market assessment, mapping stakeholders and competitors, benchmarking technologies and advising on future market trends. GF will add economic figures to technology design by means of financial modeling. Moreover, it is responsible for the management of results exploitation and business model building. Finally, managing the board of stakeholders, players external to e-Tandem consortium who are brought together to bring advise and expertise to project development.

“E-Tandem addresses important aspects of today’s challenge, namely, use of CO2, consumption of H2 and renewable electricity, while delivering drop-in fuels in a sustainable manner. Cooperative effort to innovate and solve problems of society is something which resonates with GoodFuels values.”