
The achieved E-TANDEM results can be found in the timeline below.

E-TANDEM timeline

GA04 in Aachen, hosted by OWI

GA04 in Aachen, hosted by OWI

May 2024

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E-TANDEM Newsletter #02

E-TANDEM Newsletter #02

April 2024 | E-TANDEM’s second newsletter is out now!

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E-TANDEM Project Milestone Achieved

E-TANDEM Project Milestone Achieved

December 2023

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The third E-TANDEM General Assembly in Lyngby

The third E-TANDEM General Assembly in Lyngby

November 2023

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The E-TANDEM flyer is available!

The E-TANDEM flyer is available!

July 2023

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E-TANDEM Newsletter #01

E-TANDEM Newsletter #01

July 2023

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Second General Assembly Meeting

Second General Assembly Meeting

10-11 May 2023 in Valencia, Spain

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E-TANDEM Kick-off Meeting

E-TANDEM Kick-off Meeting

8 November 2022, online

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Project progress

© 2023 E-TANDEM

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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